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Tahoe Benchmark



Rodney & John deploy test scooters

Rodney Nairne preps scooters for a run down the track

The 2011 Tahoe Benchmark tests have been completed, with 13 scooters from 6 different manufacturers. 66.8 miles underwater were run by the three test divers.

Manufacturers present included:

  • Dive Xtras: Ben McGeever

  • Deep Sea Supply: Tobin George

  • Hollis: Nick Hollis

  • Logic Dive Gear: Jon Nellis

  • Silent Submerge: Rodney Nairne

Testing began with Thrust testing at the Carson City Aquatic Center on Monday the 25th of July, and continued with track testing in Lake Tahoe for the next 4 days.

The Dive-X 400+ is prepared for thrust testing.

Test divers Claudette Dorsey and Craig Kincaid during thrust testing at the Carson City Aquatic Center

There has been extensive public coverage of the test week on The Dive Matrix Forum, www.divematrix.com, authored by one of the test divers, Claudette Dorsey.

Day 0

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Trigger controls are explained for one of the test divers.

Rodney Nairne discusses the speed operation of the Minnus with Claudette Dorsey during thrust testing



The  2011 Tahoe Benchmark paper complete. 36 pages, 4.4 MB

Tahoe Benchmark Research Paper 2011

2011 Tahoe Benchmark


Support Documents

These are documents that allow better interpretation of data from the TBM 2011, and are very useful for understanding your own scooters' performance, as well as dive planning.

Tahoe Benchmark Bollard Thrust Protocol           

Bollard Thrust Test      Tech Gear Conversion Chart